Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mongolian Dinosaurs and Roy Chapman Andrews

Considering how much Mongolian dinosaurs have been in the news, it seemed appropriate to do a post highlighting biographies of one of the more interesting personalities in 20th Century paleontology, Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960). 

Andrews led the American Museum of Natural History's famous Central Asiatic Expeditions during the 1920s and later became director of the musuem.  The expeiditons discovered the first nests of dinosaur eggs, and new species, incluidng Protoceratops, Oviraptor, Velociraptor, and Pinacosaurus, as well as a number of Eocene mammals inclding Andrewsarchus and Baluchitherium.

(Although none of CHRONAL ENGINE is set during the 1920s, it was an interesting time for dinosaur paleontology (It was also during that decade that the German Tendaguru expeditions occurred), and I did a lot of reading about the expeditions during my research phase...)
DRAGON BONES AND DINOSAUR EGGS: A PHOTOBIOGRAPHY OF EXPLORER ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, by Ann Bausum (National Geographic 2000)(ages 10+).  As the subtitle implies, DRAGON BONES tells Andrews's life in photographs, including a good number from the Central Asia expeditions.  A fascinating and visually compelling introduction to the man and his life.

DRAGON HUNTER: ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS AND THE CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS, by Charles Gallenkamp (Viking 2001).  Although published for the adult market, this  biography could be enjoyed by any young adult reader, as well.  Eminently readable, it provides many details on the planning, personalities, and politics behind the expeditions, as it explores Andrews life and passion for adventure.    

Reminder: For some fun dinosaur-related activities, download the free Chronal Engine Activity Kit!

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